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1.- This Regulation is created to resolve the possible interpretations of the rules that are made in the Leagues created by the Group "Friends who like BKOOL" (HEREINAFTER THE GROUP). 


2. This Regulation should not be taken as a code, but as a reference guide, to try to grant administrators a "legal" weapon to use in applying the regulations. The last word in case of differences in interpretations will always be with the administrators appointed at the time. 


3. The Group (and by delegation its administrators) are in charge of creating the successive leagues and selecting, creating and validating the different stages that compose it, which will try to have a varied profile to cover the different qualities of all the competitors. Although the contribution of stages or routes by all members of the group will be accepted (and even encouraged) (always adhering to certain limits in terms of distance and duration). 




1. They will be in charge of maintaining the different classifications, the selection and creation of stages for the  _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf758d_94de_136 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ successive leagues, their validation and interpreting the rules when doubts arise in this regard. Also, unless determined by circumstances, they will be in charge of starting the stages when they are played in the Multiplayer format. 


2. The administrators will also be in charge of maintaining the GROUP's website, the FACEBOOK page and the modification (always by consensus) of these Regulations. 




1. To be able to participate in the Leagues it is necessary to have a BKOOL trainer in any of its versions.  


2. The times made with rollers of other brands, due to the differences that they have in their operation with respect to the official ones (BKOOL), the score obtained will be counted, but it will not influence the scores of the users who make the times with BKOOL rollers, and the times taken will be marked in red in the GROUP general classification.  


3. Any system that helps the cyclist pedaling or that replaces the driving force of the cyclist will not be allowed. If bad faith is demonstrated in this regard, the competitor will be expelled immediately. 




1. The GROUP, both on its Facebook page and on BKOOL, is open to any competitor who wants to join it. 


2. All cyclists who freely decide to compete in the Leagues created by the GROUP must respect the rules contained in this Regulation and its successive modifications. 


3. Bugs have been shown in BKOOL that allow them to be exploited to gain an unsportsmanlike advantage. Any competitor proven to have used these glitches or subsequent ones that may be revealed will be automatically excluded from the league. And he will not be allowed to compete again in the successive ones, if it is shown that he has acted in bad faith. 


4. The weight of the participant must remain unchanged throughout the league, allowing a maximum variation  of 2 kilos. 


5. It is not allowed to include BOTS in the individual sessions, in case of detecting said infraction, the corresponding league session would be annulled, and the participant would be penalized with the cancellation of the session and expulsion from the classifications.



1. There will be an open (not fixed) number of annual Leagues, the length and composition of which will vary depending on the number of participants, the season of the year in which we find ourselves and other factors determined at the time.


2. The number of stages that make up the different leagues will not be a closed number either, but will vary both in distance, hardness and number, trying to take into account the above factors. 


3. The Leagues will not follow the BKOOL classification system, but the one that is determined by regulation in the successive adaptations of these Regulations (always giving priority to the spirit by which it was created, which was to favor regularity). The classification system in force will be reflected in the rules posted on the GROUP website. 


4. For the sessions to be admitted to the GROUP's web classification, they must appear in the classification of the corresponding stage on the BKOOL website. Otherwise, whatever the reason, sessions will not be admitted in the classification. 


5. Thursday will be the day for the completion of the corresponding stage in Multiplayer format. Future modifications will be at the discretion of the administrators, who may request consensus after consulting the rest of the GROUP members. 


6. To promote regularity in carrying out the different stages and avoid an unnecessary overload of work for administrators. The stages in the Leagues can only be carried out weekly, from Monday to Sunday. and the attempts made later, at the end of the session, are not valid.




      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   It is published on the home page of this website. It will change depending on the number of stages and time of year.

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